Unleash the Power of AI in Marketing.

Demystify the Complex World of Artificial Intelligence and Supercharge Your Marketing Abilities and Business Growth.

AI In Marketing Packages

The workshop exceeded my expectations. It provided a hands-on experience where we could create something unique with an AI program. Zach's guidance made it practical and enjoyable. I realized that AI is far more powerful than I thought, with the ability to simplify tasks, assist, write, and research. I would highly recommend this workshop to colleagues or anyone in our industry."
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the field of marketing, offering organizations transformative capabilities to enhance their communications and marketing efforts.

At GCM, we understand the power of AI in driving business growth and customer engagement. Our AI in Marketing packages provide organizations with the ability to leverage AI to improve efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and navigate the challenges of today's hyper-commoditized environment.

Our comprehensive range of packages caters to the varying needs of organizations seeking to harness the power of AI in marketing. Whether organizations require foundational knowledge, expert guidance, or strategic advice, our packages are designed to empower them with the necessary tools and expertise to leverage AI effectively and gain a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

With GCM's proven success in leveraging AI to boost productivity by approximately 30%, our packages enable organizations to scale their work effectively, even amidst challenging business environments. By embracing the transformative power of AI and navigating its associated risks, organizations can unlock new opportunities, optimize their marketing efforts, and achieve remarkable results.

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AI as a Junior Employee
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Consulting Package

Left pointing white arrow in a circle
Improving Marketing with AI
person outline with neon red lines around

Advisory Package

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AI for Senior Executives

In House
Content Production

No longer can organizations rely solely on earned media to tell their story.

The media industry is under-resourced and cannot keep up with the flurry of pitches they get on a daily basis. For clients, GCM brings a team of specialists to create owned content and compete for share of voice and SEO keywords in their industry. GCM produces and writes content for blogs, newsletters, and other owned and third party channels.

When done correctly, owned content can establish and further a company’s thought leadership position within an industry and tell compelling stories to key audiences without having to rely on third parties. A comprehensive owned content strategy can act as the foundation for communications and marketing campaigns and should include a mix of newsworthy, evergreen, and thought leadership content.

Case Studies

Report Production
& Design

Well-written and beautifully designed reports are one of the most effective ways to position a company and its programs in the marketplace.

They are strong marketing tools and provide opportunities for multiple pieces of ancillary content on a variety of communications channels. GCM works with clients all over the world to write and design reports, whitepapers and resources guides that establish and promote clients’ brands with key stakeholders.

Case Studies

Media & Message Training

Our media and messaging training program offers a transformative and immersive experience, equipping organizations with enhanced communication skills and preparing them for effective engagement with the media, stakeholders, and the public.

Leveraging our extensive expertise in media relations and communications, we deliver a tailored curriculum that focuses on crafting compelling messages, refining delivery techniques, and mastering the navigation of diverse media platforms. Through hands-on exercises that simulate real-world scenarios, organizations gain confidence and adapt their communication style to various contexts. Furthermore, we provide continuous support and coaching to nurture the ongoing growth and success of organizations in delivering impactful messages that deeply resonate with their target audiences.

GCM has successfully conducted these trainings for a diverse range of clients, including a renowned global food manufacturing company, a well-capitalized food tech startup, innovation and technology companies, and many others. Across the board, our clients have consistently reported notable improvements in their abilities to effectively deliver key messages, maintain message consistency, and generate favorable coverage and actions from their target audiences. Our training programs have proven to be instrumental in empowering organizations to enhance their communication capabilities and achieve tangible results in their interactions with the media and stakeholders.

Social Media Audit & Starter Package

For organizations facing challenges in making a significant impact or unsure of the effectiveness of their efforts, our team conducts a thorough analysis of their social media channels.

We provide valuable insights and actionable recommendations on what is working well and areas that require improvement. Going beyond mere analysis, we craft a customized social media package tailored to the specific needs of each organization. This package includes innovative campaign ideas, designed templates, and compelling example content.

With our expert guidance and training, organizations gain a profound understanding and are equipped on how to expand their reach, enhance engagement, and truly make a substantial impact on social media, all in pursuit of achieving their core business objectives.

Case Studies
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AI as a Junior Employee

Target Audience

This package is suitable for organizations at any level, including marketing teams, managers, and executives, who are interested in understanding and utilizing AI in their day-to-day operations.

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  • Introduction to AI: Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of AI concepts, terminologies, and its practical applications in marketing.
  • Hands-on Training: Practical sessions and workshops will enable participants to apply AI techniques to solve marketing challenges.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Learn how AI can automate routine tasks, streamline workflows, and augment decision-making processes within the marketing department.
  • Skill Development: Equip participants with the knowledge and skills required to leverage AI tools and technologies effectively.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: By utilizing AI as a "junior employee," organizations can optimize resource allocation and achieve cost savings.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: By utilizing AI as a "junior employee," organizations can optimize resource allocation and achieve cost savings.
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Consulting Package

Improving Marketing with AI

Target Audience

This package is designed for organizations that have already started implementing AI in their marketing efforts but require expert guidance to maximize its potential. It is suitable for marketing teams, managers, and executives seeking to improve their current AI strategies and practices.

  • AI Audit and Assessment: Evaluate the organization's current AI implementation, identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
  • Strategy Development: Work closely with the organization to develop a tailored AI strategy aligned with their marketing goals and objectives.
  • Customized Solutions: Provide personalized recommendations on AI tools, platforms, and technologies that can enhance marketing campaigns, customer targeting, and lead generation.
  • Best Practices and Implementation: Offer guidance on incorporating AI into existing processes, optimizing data collection and analysis, and creating personalized customer experiences.
  • Performance Tracking: Establish metrics and tracking mechanisms to measure the effectiveness and ROI of AI-driven marketing initiatives.
  • Continuous Insights: Stay up to date on the latest developments in AI to ensure organizations remain ahead and leverage the best technology available to meet their business goals.
person standing with neon red lines around
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Advisory Package

AI for Senior Executives

Target Audience

This package caters to senior executives, C-suite leaders, and decision-makers who want to gain a strategic understanding of AI's impact on marketing and its potential implications for the organization as a whole.

  • Strategic Insights: Provide an overview of AI trends, emerging technologies, and their implications for marketing strategy, customer engagement, and competitive advantage.
  • Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks and challenges associated with AI implementation, such as privacy concerns, ethical considerations, and data security.
  • Opportunity Identification: Explore new AI-driven opportunities for revenue growth, market expansion, and brand differentiation.
  • Organizational Alignment: Help senior executives align AI initiatives with the broader organizational goals, vision, and values.
  • Roadmap Creation: Develop a roadmap for integrating AI into the organization's marketing strategy, outlining key milestones, resource requirements, and success measures.
  • Continuous Insights: Stay up to date on the latest developments in AI to ensure organizations remain ahead and leverage the best technology available to meet their business goals.

Who Is Your Business?

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If you asked five people in your organization the question "who is your business?" would their answers be the same? How about similar?

At GCM, we understand that a clear understanding of your business's identity is the key to unlocking its true potential. It's not just about what you do, but who you are and what you stand for. This knowledge holds the power to address every marketing communications challenge you encounter.

In today's fiercely competitive market, it's crucial to stand out from the crowd. That's why we emphasize the significance of effectively communicating your organization's unique identity as its ultimate differentiator. We firmly believe that people first connect with who an organization is, not what they do.

To help organizations establish that powerful connection, we offer the transformative Who Is Your Business? workshop.

Our workshop is designed to guide organizations in identifying and conveying the very essence of their being. We delve deep into uncovering their authentic identity, enabling them to forge genuine emotional connections with their audience. This workshop provides a solid foundation for organizations to authentically engage with their audience on an emotional level.

By conducting surveys and gathering insights from a diverse range of individuals within an organization, we dive deeper into an organization’s identity characteristics and values. From the workshop, we produce clear, concise language to communicate who an organization is and what it does effectively. Whether starting out or launching a new campaign, our tailored workshop gives organizations a deeper understanding of their identity, helping them effectively communicate to their target audiences.

Case Study

“Your session and time you spent with the staff was just incredible and helped us to really move the needle forward on creating the alignment for which we have been striving.”

GCM assisted a major, national, historic nonprofit organization in the environment and mental health space in aligning its internal stakeholders on its organizational identity. Through the Who Is Your Business? workshop, GCM conducted surveys and distilled data to define the organization’s identity, resulting in cohesive messaging for internal and external communication. The workshop's success was evident in the establishment of an alignment score, tracking progress, and ensuring shared goals

What Does Your Business Look Like?

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A brand encompasses more than just a logo; it's an integrated identity that permeates every facet of an organization.

It shapes their appearance, evokes emotions, captures their voice, and even leaves a lasting impression on the senses. It's the essence of what people say about them when they’re not in the room.

In today's competitive landscape, a strong visual brand identity serves as the crucial first impression for many organizations, and it continues to embody their essence as they interact with the world.

That's why we proudly offer the transformative What Does Your Business Look Like? process that equips organizations with the tools to craft and elevate a cohesive and impactful visual brand that authentically captures their identity.

What Does Your Brand Look Like? includes the following deliverables:

Logo design

We'll work with you to design a logo that represents the essence of your identity and emotionally resonates with your target audience.

Mini & full brand guide

We'll create a brand guide that outlines your organization's visual identity, including color palette, typography, imagery, and tone of voice. This guide will ensure that your brand is consistently represented across all touchpoints.

Ppt design

We'll design a PowerPoint template that aligns with your brand identity and effectively communicates your message to your audience.

Social templates

We'll create social media templates that align with your brand identity and help you stand out on social media.


We can design and develop a website that reflects your brand identity and meets your specific needs.

Work examples

Believer blog mockupPDB Mockup Branding
PDB Mockup Branding
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Case Study

A pioneering cultivated meat company was looking to boost SEO performance on key topics and tell meaningful stories about the company and its innovations. Our goal has been to amplify their message, driving their strategic goals forward. To achieve this, we create and edit a number of engaging blog articles each month.

Our focus lies in capturing their distinctive tone and voice, co-creating the content strategy, developing an editorial direction, and curating relevant sources that seamlessly integrate with their overall brand narrative. We also enhance the articles' SEO and readability through the inclusion of keywords, visual elements, and design support. Going beyond content creation, we establish an efficient editorial process by conducting monthly editorial calls to gather insights from their team leads and optimize future content based on past performance.

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Believer blog mockup
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Case Study #1

GCM launched a major research project for one of our global clients. In partnership with them, we created, executed, and designed the 2021 “The State of Entrepreneurship in the U.S.” and created, executed, designed, and coded the 2022 “The State of Entrepreneurship in the US”. These reports generated high level media coverage and drove new business leads for the client.

Read the 2022 report
2M Report Mockup
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Case Study #2

GCM also produced the 2020-2021 OSI Global Sustainability Report and 2021-2022 OSI Global Sustainability Report. We worked with our client to conduct internal interviews around the world, write the content, work in edits, and design the final report.

Read the 2022 report
OSI Mockup
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Case Study

A local restaurant had specific goals in mind, which included expanding their lunch crowd, establishing themselves as a top-tier date night destination with an exceptional wine list and menu, and fostering stronger connections with a younger date night audience.

Our challenge was to develop a social media strategy that could be easily implemented by their in-house team. To address their needs, we developed a package which included a six-month campaign plan, designed templates, content calendars, and social copy, all aimed at aligning communication activities with strategic goals and ensuring consistency in messaging. We also supported them with updated branding elements. Through our collaboration, the restaurant was able to achieve their goals and strengthen their brand presence in the local market.

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